Web Marketing Tool
Referred By: Web Marketing Tool

I have my mp4 uploaded but how to I add the vid...

Added: 11/02/2016   |   Updated: 4 Years Ago

Question   I have my mp4 uploaded but how to I add the video to my page?

Answer    First, you need to get the URL for the mp4 file.  The file can be hosted anywhere and doesn't have to be on your site.  If it is on your site and you uploaded it to the main folder the link will look like: http://yourdomain.com/video.mp4

Once you have the URL you then go to edit the page and while editing the page for the video select the mp4 option.  It will give you an input field where you can put the URL for the mp4 file.  It is that simple.

The paragraph above assumes that your page is editable with an editable video section.  If creating a page with the wizard you can specify where an editable video section should appear.  If we are installing a page for you then you can ask us to install an editable video section at a specific location.  By default when we install a page if we see a video we will install it as an editable video section.  If you have an existing section that you want to be an editable video section you can edit it from the admin from /admin/editpages using the first edit link and then change the editable section to be an editable video section by editing it at the bottom of the page (if you also have editable html content in it then it needs to be separated into 2 separate editable sections, 1 for the video and 1 for the html).

Also, you can follow our instructions for page installation if adding a new page or editing an existing page without an editable section to add an editable video section.  Doing this requires a good understanding of html.

At anytime you can open a support request to have us set things up the way you want it.

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Q. is there an size limit to uploading an mp4? I am attempting to upload a file and its just spinning and eventually times out. The file is 138mb.

A. The max file size is 4mb.  For videos you can upload larger files using the upload video section (there is a link to it in the top right of the file manager).

Ask For Clarification

Q. Does the software do pre-recorded phone auto-dialer responder delivery?

A. With the SMS Marketing Tool it is possible to upload mp4 files and have it call Contacts/Members and play the audio when the person answers the phone.

Ask For Clarification

Q. Where can I find the video files after I have uploaded a video?

A. The are uploaded into the main folder for your site.  So, if you upload a video called video.mp4 the video would be:

Ask For Clarification

Q. Which editable sections allow the video to be tracked?

A. In order for a video to track how much is being viewed it must be added as an editable Video section when installing the page.  Then, when adding the video it must be the mp4 option that is used (not the YouTube or Embed option).

Ask For Clarification

Q. What video formats support video tracking statistics?

A. MP4 & FLV

Ask For Clarification

Q. What types of video can be added using video editable content section?
Q. How do I add an editable video section to a page?
Q. Is there a way to track and score when someone finishes watching a video?

Question Keywords: mp4

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