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I see in the system where you can create mobile...

Added: 03/13/2017   |   Updated: 4 Years Ago

Question   I see in the system where you can create mobile pages by adding ~mobile to the end. what is the difference between the page being mobile responsive and creating a mobile page with ~mobile?

Answer    Responsive pages:
Page automatically adjusts according to a device’s screen size

Mobile pages:
It's essentially a copy of the original page, where the server does the work to deliver an optimized page that’s smaller and easier to navigate.

WMT backend is fully responsive. However it can be switched to mobile version by turning on mobile version under advanced features.

Mobile pages are fully editable via file manager

You can create a mobile version for any backend page by adding -mobile to the end of file name

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A. If you transfer your domain name then you will no longer have the old domain name,
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If you do a piggyback domain then you keep the old domain,
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You can view descriptions and samples of the different types of capture page designs we offer here

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The starting price would be for a page that fills your computer screen (you wouldn't have to scroll down).
The price goes up as the page becomes longer.

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