Web Marketing Tool
Form Templates Tool
Referred By: Web Marketing Tool

Added: 08/24/2012   |   Updated: 7 Years Ago

This allows you to create form templates for your members to choose from. Members can browser through the form templates you create, select a form template, and then get the html code to paste the form on their own site/blog. You can setup customizable sections inside the form template where the member can edit the text, upload images, etc.

Creating a Form Template

Add this sample short code to add a form template:

Note: Do not include

<form>and <input type="text"> tags in the HTML form code.</form>

Add a form template To add a new form template put form HTML code in text field then click add a form template button. If you don't have a custom HTML form code then copy/paste from sample above.


These instructions will show you how to modify the HTML Form code section to allow use of form templates. In the form templates you can basically make anything you want editable and this could actually be used for things other than forms (like video boxes, etc).

Edit Form Template

1. Click on the edit icon of the Form Template you want to edit.

Add custom area

2. Define a section by putting the "TITLE" , "TYPE", and "DEFAULT" for your custom area.
There are 2 field types:
- Text which can be used to add text only.
- Wysiwyg which can be used to add text, boxes, upload images, etc.

Form Template Custom Areas

Notice that after clicking the "Add Custom Area" button the values you defined in the "Add A Custom Area" fields will be added in the "Form Template Custom Areas" table and generates a code of " ~ftc4~ ".

3. Use the generated code to your form template.

In the above example I replaced the value of submit button from (value="Join us" to value="~ftc4" ) to make the submit button text editable. Also I replaced text above form with ~ftc5~ to make this text editable as well.

Get Form Code

4. Click "Get Form Code" after you made changes to the custom area in the form template and paste it in your website.

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