A. Below is the code to insert to add facebook comments to a page (exa: members area home page /admin)
Replace "http://example.com" with your website domain
You can control the displayed number of posts by changing "data-num-posts" value
Also you can control plugin width by changing "data-width" value.
A. You are able to define a tracking campaign; the tracking information is included in the notification email that is sent and also stored in the members Area.
There is a section in the members area where you and your members can create url's to track different tracking campaigns when using a capture page.
Also, you can specify the tracking yourself by adding a hidden field to the form with the name "tracking" and for the value the title of the tracking campaign.
Also, you can append tracking details on the end of a URL of a page. For example if your URL looks like this:
To add a tracking campaign titled facebook you will add it to the end like this:
&tracking=facebook A. When you go to edit a capture page there is an option to turn it on/off for the page. There is also a section available to the admin called "Social API Settings" where it has your keys from the apps created for each service, as well as the ability to customize which group contacts are added to, and default title/message/url for the facebook blaster. If your prefer, we can paste any updates into the Social API Settings for you.