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When I upload a banner under "Manage Banners" w...

Added: 03/12/2012   |   Updated: 10 Years Ago

Question   When I upload a banner under "Manage Banners" will the banner automatically have code to go to the member's replicated site?

Answer    Yes, each banner you add will have the code needed to paste the banner on a site automatically generated.
The code will link to the Member Capture Page that is using the banner.

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Q. How do I upload banners to my software for members to choose from?

A. Manage Banners

To upload a banner first login to your account as the admin. 

Then, click the "Banners" link on your members area home page. 

Add a Banner

From there click the "Add A Banner" link and you are taken to a form where you can upload the banner. 

The banner you upload must either be .jpg or .gif format.

Ask For Clarification

Q. Is there some way for me to change the banners and background colors in the members area myself?

A. Yes, you can go into the file manager in the WMT Client Admin and make the changes there.

Members Area Files

Members area files are stored in the uploads folder as indicated below:
Images: /uploads/images
HTML: /adminpages
CSS: /uploads/css

Ask For Clarification

Q. What is the HTML form code button in the members area for?

A. The HTML Form Code page allows an Member to get the html code to paste a form on some other site (like a personal website) other than their capture page.

Ask For Clarification

Q. How do I assign a banner to a membership?

A. Only our Tool Truck software supports assigning a banner to a membership or content group. All banners must be assigned to a content group in order for them to show. Content groups work like categories so if the banner is not in any content group it has no category that it shows under. Both content groups and banners can be assigned to memberships. If a content group is a assigned to a membership(s) then only those memberships the content group is assigned to are able to view the banner because only they can see the content group. If you also assign the banner itself to a membership then only the membership(s) you assign it to can see the banner IF they are also able to see one of the content groups the banner is assigned to (both criteria must be satisfied).

How to Assign a Banner to a Membership

To assign a banner to a specific membership go to /admin/managebanners.php and click edit icon next to the banner you want to assign to a specific membership.

Select a membership and then save changes.

Ask For Clarification

Q. Do you create Logos and banners? And can you also handle other graphical work ?

A. YES, we can design a Logo for you.
YES, we can do Banner Design
YES, we can do also other graphical work (Photoshop) for you.

The cost will depend on the complexity of the design.

For more details and to view Price-List < Click here >

Ask For Clarification

Q. Is it possible to have a mini-form, that once filled out goes to a longer form, with all fields required, and auto-populates the data from the mini-form?
Q. Can I create my own forms like I can with Aweber, or do you have to create the capture page too?
Q. Do you provide a feature that would allow a Member to insert a html banner code in form box so it would appear in a designated area on capture and landing page?
Q. I'm having some pages built on my own and I need to know if I should use the form code from the html form code generator page?
Q. How do I set a banner to a specific content group (Exa: MBA Invite)? Where do I go to see the banner inside the content group once it has been added?
Q. If a person wants to add their opt-in form to a 3rd party website where do they get the HTML form code.

Question Keywords: form code, upload banner

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