Web Marketing Tool
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Can you set up a second administrator account f...

Added: 11/11/2016   |   Updated: 4 Years Ago

Question   Can you set up a second administrator account for developers to work on your system?

Answer    Yes, WMT support creating sub-admin membership. also it allows applying access to specific pages / plugins for a member or a membership.

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Q. Can you upgrade my site to where sub-admins and/or php developers can easilly login in order to customize the site and plugins?

A. There are 2 ways we can do this:
1) Setting them up with an account and assigning them to you so they can access your sites, file manager, etc., but without having to use your login to Web Marketing Tool.  They wouldn't have FTP, but can still do everything through the file manager.  Also, we can give them phpMyAdmin database access.
2) Setting up the site on your dedicated server then we can give them sFTP and database, and not have them deal with Web Marketing Tool.  For a Dedicated Server we charge $245 for the installation, which includes everything needed, and does not use CPanel, Plesk or WHM.  You can add other sites to the server.  With a dedicated server the monthly member fees are the same, but we do not charge for emails or IP's and provide free SSL for the first site and cheaper for additional sites added ($5-$10).  Below is more info about dedicated servers:

Also, below is materials for the people working on the site:

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Q. What is an API?

A. An application programming interface, or API, allows other websites to communicate with our website sending commands to add/edit/delete items and getting reports.

These are used by developers to integrate 3rd party software with our software.  For example, our API allows you to have members automatically created in your system when someone signs up at a separate site you own.

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Q. I'm having some pages built on my own and I need to know if I should use the form code from the html form code generator page?

A. No, do not use the code from the HTML Form Code page.
That code is for the Member to use on some 3rd party website.
This method is only attached to 1 specific Member.

Instead, you want to properly install the page, and then it will use any 3rd party autoresponder setup on a per an Member basis.
Have your developer view the page installation overview page to learn the page installation process.

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Q. How do I manually create an email account in the mysql database?

A. Inside the client admin there is a way to easily add email accounts for a site and you do not need this guide.

NOTE: This guide is intended for developers working on systems that have a dedicated server.

Every server has a database titled: wmtserver

Inside of this database there is a table titled: emailaccounts

You can manually create email accounts by inserting them into the emailaccounts table.

Below is an explination of each column in the emailaccounts table:
email: The email address.  Do not include @domainname.com.  So for example if you are making an email myemail@mydomain.com then you should enter myemail into this field.
password: The password (without any encoding, salt, etc) of the email account.
siteid: This is the id of the site (domain) that the email belongs to.  You can get the siteid of a site by going into webmarketingtool.com and going to the page for the site and the page URL is site.php?id=# where # is the siteid for that site.
forwarding: If you want the email to forward to another email, enter the email address that it should forward to.  Otherwise leave this field blank.

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Q. Is there a way that I can give a sub -account and hire a developer to easily change the backoffice and design? As well possibly add and modify software?

Question Keywords: developer

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