Web Marketing Tool
Edit Translation
Referred By: Web Marketing Tool

Added: 09/05/2013   |   Updated: 7 Years Ago

Translations and Custom Text in the Members Area

There are 2 ways to access translations

1- From File Manager:

- In File Manager, Click edit icon for html page

Edit Text / Translate

- Click Edit Text / Translate button in the left bottom corner

2- From Manage Files:

Edit Text / Translate

- The Manage Files(Access/Translate) is found in the WMT Client Admin.

Translate a file

- Click Translate link in Site Files page

Then follow the following steps:

Edit text translation

- Click edit text icon in translation page

Edit Text / Translate

- Check if this value already exists in any other pages or not. if so, you should know that changing this value will change this entry in all pages listed under "Pages Using This Text". Then insert the new value and click save changes.

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