Web Marketing Tool
Membership Bonuses
Referred By: Web Marketing Tool

Added: 10/31/2013   |   Updated: 7 Years Ago
Membership bonuses allow you to specificy bonuses that are given to members belonging to a specific membership. Membership bonuses are common in binary payment plans where a member must qualify for a specific membership by having X amount of active people they referred in order to remain in the membership. However, membership bonuses can be used with any type of compensation plan for any purpose where a specific membership should receive a bonus. You can create bonuses that are assigned daily, weekly, monthly or annually.

Membership Bonuses Link

In order to setup membership bonuses visit Memberships (your-domain.com/admin/memberships) and click the Membership Bonuses link.

There are 2 types of bonuses
Add Membership Bonus
Cash Bonus:
Create a new cash bonus by filling the form shown in the next image

Volume Share:
Simular to the cash bonus but the bonuses are percentage of the sales divided between all membership members. The volume is either all membership payments, all external billing product payments, or all payments (both combined). The percentage is split between all members belonging to the membership. So, for example if there is a 20% volume share bonus for the d2 membership that is applied monthly. Then, if there are $200 worth of sales in that month the total amount paid out in volume bonus would be $40 (20% of $200). Then, if there are 5 members belonging to the d2 membership the $40 is split 5 ways and each member gets a $9 bonus as their part of the volume bonus.

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