Web Marketing Tool
Support Requests
Referred By: Web Marketing Tool

Added: 01/07/2013   |   Updated: 8 Years Ago
Support Credit Cost:
The amount of support credits charged while working on a task is directly related to the technician’s skill level.

Once a support request has been approved for work the assigned technician will review the task for complexity. In the case that a support request is considered to complex, you may receive an email letting you know that we are unable to accept and work on the task. This is to save you, the client, from paying for hours of work on a task, that ultimately is, or can not be completed.

Task Turn-a-Round Time
We are aware that a quick support request completion time is important to you. We expect from our technicians a task completion time of 1-7 business day. This is dependent mainly on the complexity of the task and the number of tasks in the queue. There are, of course, other factors that will play into completion time.

What affects task completion time
  • Complexity of the Task
  • Number of tasks ahead of yours in the queue
  • Don’t use an existing task to start work on a new task. Example: If we are changing a redirect for you do not add a note that you want the header on the page changed. You should create a new task.
  • Your priority level (priority level is increased by your business with us, Premium Hosting, your use of proper communication with us…..keep in mind the squeaky wheel does not get serviced first here. If you are asking every hour or day when your task will be complete, posting notes in every task, or being rude your priority level will be lowered by (1).
  • Include all necessary information in the task from the beginning. This includes the url off the page that needs work, very clear and simply instructions on what needs to be done, a screenshot or video if needed for clarity.
  • Every time an update or note is added this will increase completion time. We want notes that are relevant to the tasks successful completion. BUT…it is important to make sure notes are necessary, clear, and include all information needed for completion of the task.
  • Avoid lengthy notes and emails regarding a task. Ask yourself while you are typing is what I am saying relevant to the task itself. Our feelings will not be hurt by missing social norms in an email. We do not require full paragraph descriptions. Bullet points are great. The less our technician has to read and decipher what is relevant the better.
  • When is my task going to be complete? Every time the technician is asked to estimate completion time on a task he/she is not working on that task. If a technician has 20 tasks in their queue and each person asks “when” a significant amount of the technicians work day is taken off actual completion of the task.
  • When emailing identify the clearly the task the note is in regards to. This is especially important when including notes on multiple tasks in one email.

We will attempt to assist you in identifying when you should be creating a new task. If you are unsure how to leave a note, start a new task, or what is useful information please contact your Project Manager. Learning now will save you precious time and money in the future.

Technicians will leave notes in regards to the progress and what has been done in regards to a task. This is to serve as a line of communication to update you on progress and what has been done in the task. Notes will be added only when there is relevant information to share. If you do not see a note then there is nothing to share at that time.

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