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How do I setup a test account without someone h...

Added: 02/03/2013   |   Updated: 10 Years Ago

Question   How do I setup a test account without someone having to pay?

Answer    When logged in as the admin go to create a Member.
Then, on the right side enter the email address of the Member you want to give the free account to.
It will send them an email inviting them to signup for free.

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Q. How can I prevent anyone from creating an account in my software without my approval; and at the same time allow others to join for free?

A. Under advanced features change "Software Is Free" to No. 
Then, on the join page (/join), you can either enter the email addresses of the people you want to give free accounts to on the right form
OR fill out the left form to create a free account.
Also, you can import several members at once from .csv file using the import members section.

Ask For Clarification

Q. Can we offer a free trial?

A. Yes, you can setup a free trial when creating the billing option.

Ask For Clarification

Q. How do i set up a free membership with out affecting the paid memberships?

A. Create a membership then go back to edit it and select free when editing the membership.  Leave it as paid under advanced features and leave all other memberships as paid.

Ask For Clarification

Q. How do I setup a free account?

A. On the join page you will use the form on the right of the page to send an email to anyone you wish to give a free account. They will need to follow the link to activate their free account.

Ask For Clarification

Q. Is it possible to stop sending auto responders emails to free members I created?

A. Move them to a contact group that does not have any autoresponder messages assigned to it.

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Q. How do you replicate websites automatically?
Q. Where is our replicated webpage that people will be able to join our program located at?

Question Keywords: free account

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