A. To edit the autoresponse message content and subject line, go to Edit Autoresponse Messages in the Admin section of your Members Area. Then click on the edit icon for the message you wish to edit. In the editor the Subject and Message sections can be edited.
To edit the From email message field, go to Advanced Features in the Admin section of your Members Area. Then click Email Settings and then make your selection for the drop down menu for Email From Email
A. It means that when a member joins they will have the autoresponder messages preloaded into their account. So if they are preloaded then when the member goes to the autoresponder page they will see all the messages loaded and they won't have to do anything. If they are not preloaded then when the member goes to the autoresponder page they will not have them loaded and will have to click the button on the right side to load the messages.
This setting can be controlled under advanced features to control all messages. If it is turned on under advanced features it can also be specified when editing a contact group for messages belonging to that specific contact group.
A. There is a setting under advanced features where you can decide to have people either supended when they cancel their subscription, or to have it where it doesn't cancel it right away, but instead it cancels it when it is scheduled to end. If it is set to to suspend when their susbscription would have ended, instead of instantly, then what happens is anyone without a payment will be suspended. You would have to manually add a payment for the member to prevent them from being suspended.
A. Yes, there is a way!
There is a way to do this. The way you do it depends on if members are able to edit the pages.
If Members CANNOT Edit Emails
If your system is setup where members cannot edit emails then any changes you make as the admin are automatically applied to your members.
If Members CAN Edit Emails
Under the page for your site in the
client admin, under the "Emails & Email Delivery" tab, under the tool tab there is a link called "Reload Messages" that can be used to do this.
After clicking the icon a popup will appear showing you all of your contact groups. Click on the contact group you want to push all the changes to members for.
Another Option: LOCK Admin's Messages
Also, under
advanced features in the email tab there is a setting called "Lock Admin Messages " giving you the option to disable member's ability to edit admin emails. This makes it where members can add their own messages but cannot edit the ones you create. If you have this turned on then you do not need to do the steps above.