A. Yes, it will suspend them. We caution to be careful if you have more than 1 tier, or an admin payment because the person gets logged out when only 1 of their possible many subscriptions is canceled.

A. It depends on the payment processor as some payment processors will retry the credit card on another date. Once the payment processor stops retrying the card and the membership is cancelled in their system they send a notification to our software which suspends their account as if they had canceled.

A. Yes, it can send emails to everyone including suspended members. There is an option where you can select if it should include suspended Members or not (and also an option to email only suspended Members).

A. - Clicking suspend/activate link from /admin/members
- If direct payment is turned on there are several ways
- If "Cancel Subscription Action" is set to "suspend on the date the next payment would have been made" then it can do it if next bill date isn't in future
- If a payment fails or a subscription is canceled
- If you have authorize.net set to ARB

A. There is a setting under advanced features where you can decide to have people either supended when they cancel their subscription, or to have it where it doesn't cancel it right away, but instead it cancels it when it is scheduled to end. If it is set to to suspend when their susbscription would have ended, instead of instantly, then what happens is anyone without a payment will be suspended. You would have to manually add a payment for the member to prevent them from being suspended.