Overview: The promo code allow you to give out discounts to products. If the client has the correct promo code he will get a discount on the product. The promo code only works for Authorize.net, First Data, or other payments where the credit card information is entered on your site.
How to add a promo code? 1- go to edit product page http://YOURDOMAIN.com/admin/editexternalbillingproduct.php?id=PRODUCT-ID
2- Insert discount amount and the desired promo code as shown below 3- Promo code will display in orderform.php page
A. It depends on the payment processor as some payment processors will retry the credit card on another date. Once the payment processor stops retrying the card and the membership is cancelled in their system they send a notification to our software which suspends their account as if they had canceled.
A. Yes, you can have each product have it's own commission. You can also have it where different memberships get different commission payouts for the same product.
A.Yes, people can purchase external billing products without being a member. It creates a contact for the record of the client and the sale is attached to the contact.