Web Marketing Tool
Referred By: Web Marketing Tool

Where do I go to purchase upgrade request credi...

Added: 05/03/2012   |   Updated: 8 Months Ago

Question   Where do I go to purchase upgrade request credits and submit an upgrade request?

Answer    To create an upgrade request:
  1. Log into the WMT Client Admin.
  2. Go to the page for your site.
  3. Click the "Site" tab to open it (if it is not already open).
  4. Click on the "Upgrade Requests" tab.
  5. There you will see a form to create your upgrade request.
  6. After your upgrade request is submitted we will review it and then send an email detailing how many credits it will take and which version it would be included it.
  7. Click the link in the email to view and approve the request.

It will not let you approve a request if you do not have enough credits. To purchase credits send us an email specifying how many credits you would like to purchase and we will send you an invoice.

Related Documents

Upgrades & Customizations

Still Don't Understand?

Fill out the form below to ask for further clarification about this question:


Q. Can other features be added to your software?


Yes. We do monthly upgrades to our software. You are allowed to request a set number of new features based on your subscription package. Customizations take 1-3 months, but it provides a stable, full featured release. We can also do customizations on demand starting at $200+.

See our Price List for more details and PRICES (Click here to view)

Ask For Clarification

Q. When I upgrade my site, will my site be down at all while its being upgraded?

A. No, your site will only go down if we are transfering it.  An upgrade does not put the site down.

Ask For Clarification

Q. Is there a page where I can see the latest improvements/upgrades to the software?
Q. Do I need to purchase anything extra in order to be able to charge people for my software?

A. Yes, you need to purchase the billing tool.

Ask For Clarification

Question Keywords: upgrade request, purchase upgrade

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