Click the table to view column details and usage examples.
adminpageaccess File Access. Specifies which members or memberships are able to access a file. If no record exists for a page then only the admin is able to view the page.
adminpagecontents Displays HTML content added to admin pages using the wizard
adminpagesettings Admin page settings as set while logged in as admin
adminsettings Settings for the website. DO NOT update directly.
contactnotify New contact notification email that is sent to the member.
contactpointlogs A log of points a contact has earned. Contact points are displayed on the contact scoreboard and increase the contact's score.
contactpoints The settings showing number of points a contact can earn for different actions. Contact points are displayed on the contact scoreboard and increase the contact's score.
contactpointsettings Contact point amounts that are added to the contact's score when they perform specific actions.
notifications type=1=Join Notification (to new member) typeid=membership
type=2=New Contact Notification (to member) typeid=contactgroup
type=3=To Other typeid=unique
type=4=To Contact typeid=unique
type=5=To Member typeid=unique
type=6=Custom typeid=unique
type=7=Purchase to Purchaser typeid=billing
type=8=Payment to Purchaser typeid=billing
type=9=Purchase to Parent typeid=billing
type=10=Payment to Paid typeid=billing
type=11=Payment Approved typeid=billing
type=12=Awaiting Approval typeid=billing
type=13=Matrix Cycle typeid=matrix
type=14=Cancellation typeid=billing
pagecontents A section of editable content on a page.
pagedynamic A dynamic page (meaning not having it's own php file).
pages A page for the site (capture page or landing page. Not members area pages). This is the primary table for pages and all tables that start with the title capurepage are related to this one.
useragents Details about page views browser user agents
usernamechanges A que of username changes that is processed by the server to update email accounts. Each member has an email account on the domain on the site that matches their username.
visitors A table contains visitors details like contact id/member id , referrer etc
productgenealogy Member genealogy (referral information) for a specific external billing product.
Tool: External Billing
productimages Images uploaded to products as feature images
Tool: External Billing
productpackages Assigns an product to a package. A package is an external billing product that has many products assigned to it so when paying the one price for the product all the other products assigned to it are included with it.
Tool: External Billing
productprices The reseller/distributor's price of an external billing product.
questionsearches A history of searches of the question knowledge base or where people have asked a new question.
Tool: Events
event Events or reservations for services, products, rentals, etc. Basically, anything where a purchase or RSVP is made for something for a specific date (hotel reservation, concert ticket, car rental, etc.)
designtemplates Design templates for specifying what information to collect from a member to use for the copy for their design when they purchase this type of design.
nextbill The next date that a member will be billed for their membership. Only used under certain circumstances. Typically billing is handled by the payment processor.
paymentprocessorsetup A record of a member setting up a payment processor. Used by the paymentprocessorvars table where the member puts their details for the payment processor.
Tool: Billing
paymentprocessorsetupvars Member's variables for a specific payment processor setup (exa: "Security Key" value).
Tool: Billing
paymentprocessorvars A list of variables that exist for a payment processor that a member will enter when setting it up (exa: Security Key).
Tool: Billing
payments Payments made by members for their membership to the site.
doubleoptinsettings Double optin settings for each member that specifies if new contacts (optins) must click a confirmation link to confirm their email before becoming active.
pagerecommendations A recommendation by a member of a page that was created by that member asking the admin to include the page in the site for all members to be able to use.
Tool: Page Creator
scheduledvars Scheduled variables that can have multiple time triggered values (content) assigned to it.
Tool: Page Creator
scheduledvarvalues Scheduled values (content) belonging to a scheduled variable.
Tool: Page Creator
tracking Tracking campaigns for tracking page performance and split testing.
Tool: Page Creator
trackingassign Assigns a page to a specific tracking campaign.