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How I have to setup my site in order to my memb...

Added: 07/08/2018   |   Updated: 3 Years Ago

Question   How I have to setup my site in order to my members can access the light wizard and page creator wizard?

Answer    With a "Tool Truck" there is a setting under advanced features where you can turn editable pages on/off for members.  However, with a Toolbox the setting doesn't exist and we need to manually turn it on/off for you.  Should we turn it on where members can edit and add pages themselves?

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Q. How do my members receive their commissions? Does commission show up immediately? Where can I view the commission?

A. Commission Report

You can see it in the 'Referral Program' on the earnings page.
It is applied each night with older versions and every hour with newer versions.
It shows you a report of earnings and current balance, then you need to make payouts outside the software.

Ask For Clarification

Q. I have optimizepress and would like to know if i can design a capture page and have all of my members use that capture page when they join through my website?

A. Yes, you can.  However, after designing the page in optimizepress we'll need to copy it over for you and install it into your system for members to use (also, we have instructions for this if you want your own tech to copy it over instead of us doing it)

Ask For Clarification

Q. How many email credits do I have each month and how can I control how many credits my members are allowed.

A. With regular hosting you have 10,000 emails that can be sent each month, before overages are charged. Under Advanced Features in the Emails Settings section there is an option to edit how often members can send autoresponder emails. This allows you to limit the number of emails sent by each member during the month. For example: Limit to one message every (5) days, each member can only send 6 autoresponder emails a month.

Ask For Clarification

Q. How can my members have their own domain?

A. Yes, you can do this.  There are two options:

1) Have them purchase the domain from your site or have them import the domain. This can be done from /admin/domains.php.  If done this way then the member can setup directories and assign pages from /admin/pages.php to the directories and for the home page.

2) Have them setup their domain name to forward to the capture page.

Ask For Clarification

Q. Do you have an API to connect on my system,so whenever my members will not pay on my system it will cancel automatically all of his landing pages and are we later able to enable him?

A. Yes, we do.  In the document linked below in the section update member there is details about the API that allows you to suspend a member.  When suspended they will not be able to receive new contacts from the capture pages.

Ask For Clarification

Q. Why don't my members have the option to select a 3rd party autoresponder in their members area?
Q. How many emails can my members send a month/day and how many emails can i send a month/day?
Q. I need my members to be able to populate 5 buttons with own unique links. How can I best do that?
Q. Why are the contacts from my main capture page going to one of my members?
Q. Can I setup multiple capture pages at one time for all my members, and can I pay you to do it for me if I want?
Q. How do my members refer people to the software?
Q. Do I need the editable pages plugin to edit my capture pages, I do not want my members to edit the capture pages?
Q. With the system I purchased can I have unlimited replicated URL's for each of my members, or am I restricted to just (1) replicated URL per Member?
Q. Can my members have their own personalized autoresponder emails?
Q. If I upload my replicating websites do I need to add any PHP code so that the web pages replicate for my members?
Q. If I enable email signatures and send an email from my members Area to everyone's contacts, would it pull their email signatures into the emails I send?
Q. How do I remove the edit signature link from my members Area?
Q. How long does it take you to create my membership site?

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