A. Yes, you can edit the contents of any page in your members area through the
file manager.
From the file manager go to the /adminpages folder (there is a quick link in the top right).
There you will see html versions of all the php pages in your system's members area which you can edit to change the appearance of the php pages in your software members area.
![Ask For Clarification](/images/askforclarification.jpg)
A. If you add the product into your current software the members area will look the same by default. However, with a Tool Truck you are able to modify it so each membership has it's own completely unique look. You have full html and php control for that membership to customize it however you want.
![Ask For Clarification](/images/askforclarification.jpg)
A. Yes, there is a section called "Manage Email Templates" where you can create email templates to use multiple times.
Once you've added an email template, you can use it by clicking the red email icon in the editor.
![Ask For Clarification](/images/askforclarification.jpg)
A. This is an option that appears when 1-UP or 2-UP is turned on. This feature allows an Member to specify if a person in their downline must qualify (and passup their first sponsor, etc. as required by the #-UP). If it is set so they are not required to qualify, then that Member keeps every person they refer and doesn't have to pass any referrals up to their sponsor.
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