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How do we setup an sms notification once a cont...

Added: 05/21/2016   |   Updated: 2 Years Ago

Question   How do we setup an sms notification once a contact reaches a specific contact score?


(SMS Marketing Tool Required)

SMS notification sent to the member once a contact exceeds a specified score.
to set the score value
1- Go to Advanced Features

2- SMS/Voice Broadcaster

3- Set
Now each time a contact exceeds score points, SMS notification will be sent to the member using member credits

Following documents explaining how to setup Twilio
Learn How to Setup Twilio

Related Documents

SMS Marketing Tool

Contact Score

Still Don't Understand?

Fill out the form below to ask for further clarification about this question:


Q. What are actions that can be tracked and added as contact score?

  • Open an email
  • Click a link in an email
  • Invite a friend
  • send a chat message
  • log into chat
  • log into page
  • watched video

Ask For Clarification

Q. Where can we set contact score settings?

A. From advanced features page

Ask For Clarification

Q. What's contact score?

A. The score as an indicator to how active the contact is.

Ask For Clarification

Q. What are tilde codes (variables) which can be used in sms messages


~username~ Member Username
~firstname~ Member First Name
~lastname~ Member Last Name
~email~ Member Email
~phone~ Member Phone

Ask For Clarification

Q. Does sms notifications work with the software and how does it to work?

A. Yes, SMS notification messages work in our software.  They allow members to receive SMS notifications to your mobile phone (in USA) when members receive new contacts or have appointments on their calendar.  We also have a paid SMS Marketing Tool for sending marketing messages to contacts.

Setup SMS Notifications

Go to ~wmtsystemurl~/admin/notifications###
Add your phone number and mobile carrier then turn on notifications


We don't guarantee the delivery of SMS notifications as it depends on the carrier.

Ask For Clarification

Q. Is there a way to add something to the Admin Calendar that automatically adds to EVERY members calendar so that if they set up sms notifications they will get notifications when I add something to the calendar?
Q. When sms messages are sent to new members are the sponsors credits used or the admin?
Q. Is it possible to use short codes like ~name~ or ~email~ in your sms broadcasts or text ARs?
Q. Is there a way to track and continue to score what new members do after they join?
Q. Is there a way to track and score when someone finishes watching a video?
Q. How much does the sms marketing tool cost, and who has access to the texting? All members or just the administrators of the system?
Q. Under what circumstances would contacts have a score of 0?
Q. How much does Twilio charge per a text message?
Q. How does sms credits work?
Q. Does the software do text message auto-responders?
Q. How does the text feature under "Send Members a Text Message" work?
Q. With the sms Marketing Tool is there a way to code in calls to action?
Q. How do you setup a purchase sms credits button with the sms Marketing tool combined with the External Billing tool?
Q. What countries can members receive text messages (sms) in?

Question Keywords: text messaging, score, contact score

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