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When emails are sent or broadcasted to contacts...

Added: 11/16/2016   |   Updated: 4 Years Ago

Question   When emails are sent or broadcasted to contacts from the Admin account the reply to email is the referring members but is there a way for them to show the referring Members name and not the Admin name?

Answer    You can set sender email / Name by going to  Advanced Features 
Under email tab there are 2 fields to control it (Email From Email & Email From Name).

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Q. How can Members add their Paypal email address to the software in order to get paid?

A. First, as admin you have to activate Paypal as payment processor
Login as admin then go to ~wmtsystemurl~/admin/paymentprocessors###
Click Paypal icon then click Is Active -> Yes

Now members can add their Paypal email by going to

Ask For Clarification

Q. Would it be best to create a separate account for me to use or should I set up the admin account for my use just like any other member would do?

A. You should setup a separate account for you to use.  The admin account has several cases where it operates differently and is best not to use as a personal account.

Ask For Clarification

Q. What does it mean when editing a membership if admin access is set to yes or no?

A. If admin access is set to yes, then members belonging to that membership are able to access all pages that an admin can access.

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Q. Where in my admin does the software process the commissions and automatically pay them?

A. There is a report on the "Referral Program" page at the bottom of the page where you can see who has earned what and what payouts you need to make.
You need to manually do payouts.  For PayPal and Payza there is an export to CSV option which allows you to make all of the payouts at once.

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Q. A member paid through Payza then when she went to set up her account. She had an error saying that she did not use the same email address that she pay with. What should I do?

A. When this happens what you should do is check to see if you have any processing records.  Most of the time when this happens it is because the person is using a different email than the primary one in the Payza account used to pay with.  If this is the case, you will see a processing record with the username temp987 and it will show the correct email for the member to use to join with.  If this isn't the problem, next, go to the billing report page and try to search for the Payza transaction number and see if you can find it that way.  If you still don't find it, it means that either Payza is not correctly setup in the Payza account, or the payment was made using a custom button (not one generated by our software) and the custom button isn't setup correct.

Ask For Clarification

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Q. Will I be able to change the background for my admin panel as well after my site is complete?
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Q. Where do I edit the new Member welcome email?
Q. When someone joins at yourdomain.com/join can I control the email that goes out to them?
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Q. How do I change the initial email that goes out when someone makes an account with us?

Question Keywords: admin account, email address

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