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Where can we change the notification emails?

Added: 02/11/2013   |   Updated: 7 Years Ago

Question   Where can we change the notification emails?

Answer    Under Edit Autoresponses, at the bottom of the page is a list of links to edit all of the software messages.  Learn more about these messages do and editing them.

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Notification Emails

Still Don't Understand?

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Q. How do I change the initial email that goes out when someone makes an account with us?

A. Create New Account Email

When logged in as the admin go to "Edit Messages" then at the bottom click on "Create New Account Email".

Ask For Clarification

Q. How do I change the copyright on the member's area pages?

A. We have to change the copyright message in the members area pages for you.

Ask For Clarification

Q. I am interested in the software for self replicating web sites. I would like this to be hosted on my domain. Is this possible and the price for that software.

A. You can have your own domain
but for hosting if you already have a dedicated server we can set up the software on it, however, our software requires very specific server configuration.  It is fine to use your existing dedicated server as long as it has to be set up to meet these configuration requirements. There would still be a setup fee to set up your server so it uses our control panel rather than using its own.  For example, if your server uses CPanel or Plesk this will need to be removed as our control panel conflicts with it.

Why Can't We Use CPanel, Plesk, etc., But Must Use Your Control Panel Instead? Our software includes features such as the ability for each member to have their own email, for members to import and host their domains, and for members to use subdomains (exa: username.yoursite.com).  These features require the software to use our custom control panel to manage apache, bind, postfix, dovecat, and other software on the server that is traditionally managed by software such as CPanel.

Using our control panel has the following benefits:
  • No need to pay higher hosting fees for CPanel or Plesk seats.
  • The ability of our workers to easily access your site while on a task for you but the security that they cannot access when not working for you.
  • The ability to use our backup system which is improved over backups done by traditional control panel software.
  • The ability for us to quickly upgrade your site to the newest version of our software for free.
  • Performance enhancements as your server is configured specifically for our software.
  • Security enhancements as in addition to security settings we use like disabling FTP and requiring sFTP, our control panel is custom, not open source, and uses the policy of having all doors locked except for the doors specifically used (in contrast to most control panel software having all doors unlocked to allow for greater flexibility without them understanding your specific needs).

Ask For Clarification

Q. Is it possible for me to receive an email notification as leads come in to my marketing funnel or do I have to log in to the marketing system to see when leads are coming in?

A. You can receive email notifications when leads optin by turning on notifications under http://YOUR-DOMAIN/admin/notifications

Ask For Clarification

Q. What are the tilde codes available for the "New Member Notification To Admin Email"?

A. ~membership~ = Title of the Member's Membership
~password~ = Member's Password
~username~ = Member's Username
~fname~ = Member's First Name
~lname~ = Member's Last Name
~email~ = Member's Email
~phone~ = Member's Phone
~siteurl~ = The domain name of the site
~burl~ = The domain name of the site with /admin added to it (DEPRECATED)
~address~ = Member's Address
~city~ = Member's City
~state~ = Member's State
~zipcode~ = Member's Zipcode
~ip~ = Member's IP

Ask For Clarification

Q. What's tilde code for signed up member's last name / email and phone in New Member Notification To Parent Email?
Q. What's tilde code for signed up member's ip address in create account welcome email?
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Q. When adding a 3rd party autoresponder is the email confirmation automatically turned off?
Q. Can a commission notification email be sent when a member makes a sale?
Q. How do I change broadcast frequency from 7 days to less or more?
Q. What is the name of the create account page and how do I change it?
Q. How do I modify the email that is sent notifying a member that a member joined under them to include the name, phone, and email?
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Question Keywords: notification email, how change

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