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How do I change the content of a capture page a...

Added: 12/13/2011   |   Updated: 13 Years Ago

Question   How do I change the content of a capture page and/or setup a redirect?


In order for you to change/edit whatever content you have in your current capture page, you have to go to edit pages and click on the thumbnail that shows your current page and it will redirect you to our editor. From there you can change the content of your page.

If you want to redirect your capture page into your website, you can do it under your personal info. Fill out the redirect url, and all your contacts will be redirected to that url after they have filled out the form on your capture pages. If you want to put a specific redirect url to a specific page, go to edit pages, click the thumbnail of the page you wish to edit, and on the upper portion of editing the page, fill out the redirect url and it will redirect that specific page to that specific url.

Related Documents

Redirect URLs


Still Don't Understand?

Fill out the form below to ask for further clarification about this question:


Q. How do I edit my own pages without using the editor, as the editor changes my page format?

A. Turn off editor
If the section you want to edit is editable, then you can edit it as HTML code by turning off editor from View/Info -> TURN OFF EDITOR(html code).

If the page is not editable then you can edit it from File Manager after login to your WMT client admin account.

If you have an editable page and want to convert it to be not editable (to be completely editable from WMT client admin file manager), we can convert it for you as long as there is no member edited it before.

Ask For Clarification

Q. Do I need the editable pages plugin to edit my capture pages, I do not want my Members to edit the capture pages?

A. No.  You only need that plugin if you want your Members to be able to edit and or modify the pages.

Ask For Clarification

Q. How would I setup an editable about me section on my web pages using member variables?

A. How to Add a Members Variable

Setup a Member Variable

To do this go to member variables page (/admin/membervariables) and add a member variable for the about me section

Adding Member Variables to a Page

Add it to a Page

Inside of an editable WYSIWYG section of a page add the code ~var#~ where you want the content to appear.  Be sure to get the correct code where # is replaced with the number of the member variable.  You can get the correct code either from the member variables page or from "View/Info" -> "Dynamic Info (~~)" in the page editor.

Test it Out

Go to the members page (/admin/members) and login as a member.  Go to their profile (/admin/profile) and enter a value for their about me section.  Then view the member's page where you added the member variable ~~ code and you will see the content there.

Ask For Clarification

Q. How do I change broadcast frequency from 7 days to less or more?

A. When logged in as the admin go to "Advanced Features",

Click the "Email Settings" tab, and there is a drop down where you can change the amount.

Ask For Clarification

Q. Can the file name be changed in the edit page section?

A. No, it is not possible to change the filename of a page through editing it in the softwares members area.

Yes, you can still do it but in addition to changing it there you also have to change it through the file manager.

We can create a support request to do it for you if needed and it will not cost more than the $5 minimum to do this.

Ask For Clarification

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Q. How do I change the initial email that goes out when someone makes an account with us?
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Q. How do we make some of our pages editable by members and other pages not editable by members?
Q. Is there a way to only give members access to edit the Basic Settings, but not the Advanced Settings?
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Q. On the profile page (/admin/profile) how do I change the page it redirects to making it another page?
Q. What is the name of the create account page and how do I change it?
Q. How do I change my primary capture page?
Q. How do I change the copyright on the member's area pages?
Q. With live chat added onto a capture page, if a member edits the capture page does the live chat still follow them?
Q. How do I modify the email that is sent notifying a member that a member joined under them to include the name, phone, and email?
Q. How do I change the url a person is taken to after they fill out the form on the contact us page?
Q. Since the site was changed to https my button images on my sales page are not showing up. Where do I go to change these images to https? I know how to edit pages but when I go to those pages the section where I have those buttons doesn't seems to be editable.
Q. Do you have capture pages that are customizable?
Q. Can I change the look of the sign up page?
Q. I logged in to my site as the admin and I edited the AR messages but when a visitor fills out the capture page form it still sends the old AR message. Why is this and how do I fix?
Q. I would like the first 5 referrals/leads that sign up through a members capture page, be passed up to their sponsors email list. similar to a 2up. Can your software already do this?
Q. What happens if I have a Member with the username TEMP and I change it?
Q. What functionality is lost if I turn off cookie tracking?
Q. Can your company design my capture page according to my specific business, product, or service?
Q. How do I setup a specific 3rd party autoresponder for a specific capture page?
Q. How can I setup multiple lists using aweber?
Example: I have 3 lists collecting contacts with 3 capture pages for 3 different businesses.

Q. When I upload a banner under "Manage Banners" will the banner automatically have code to go to the member's replicated site?
Q. I want to create a variable for member's Facebook page where the variable links to a Facebook button that I will design on a capture page - how do I link the variable to the button?
Q. Is there a way when a visitor enters a bad username in their url to have it go to a specific Member?
Q. What is the proper way to enter a Bad Username Action?
Q. If I have several membership types and they are free, how I can have it so a member is put into that membership when they join?
Q. How do I assign a capture page to a series of autoresponder messages (a contact group)?
Q. What site will my capture page be located on?
Q. What is the maximum number of capture pages I am allowed to create?
Q. How can I display a contact's information (exa: first name) on a page?
Q. Can you setup replicating websites?
Q. Can I have multiple capture pages?

Question Keywords: edit capture page, how change

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