Web Marketing Tool
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Can a commission notification email be sent whe...

Added: 02/17/2013   |   Updated: 7 Years Ago

Question   Can a commission notification email be sent when a member makes a sale?

Answer    Yes.  There is a setting for this under Advanced Features and by default the setting is turned on.

Related Documents

Commission Tracking Tool

Notification Emails

Still Don't Understand?

Fill out the form below to ask for further clarification about this question:


Q. Does making payouts outside the software mean making payouts manually?

A. Yes, you will have to do them manually.

Ask For Clarification

Q. Is it possible for me to receive an email notification as leads come in to my marketing funnel or do I have to log in to the marketing system to see when leads are coming in?

A. You can receive email notifications when leads optin by turning on notifications under http://YOUR-DOMAIN/admin/notifications

Ask For Clarification

Q. Does your software do comp/commissions calculations?

A. Yes, our software calculates and tracks commission.

Ask For Clarification

Q. What are the tilde codes available for the "New Member Notification To Admin Email"?

A. ~membership~ = Title of the Member's Membership
~password~ = Member's Password
~username~ = Member's Username
~fname~ = Member's First Name
~lname~ = Member's Last Name
~email~ = Member's Email
~phone~ = Member's Phone
~siteurl~ = The domain name of the site
~burl~ = The domain name of the site with /admin added to it (DEPRECATED)
~address~ = Member's Address
~city~ = Member's City
~state~ = Member's State
~zipcode~ = Member's Zipcode
~ip~ = Member's IP

Ask For Clarification

Q. What's tilde code for signed up member's last name / email and phone in New Member Notification To Parent Email?

A. ~membership~ = Title of the Member's Membership
~siteurl~ = The domain name of the site
~fname~ = Member's First Name
~lname~ = Member's Last Name
~email~ = Member's Email
~phone~ = Member's Phone
~username~ = Member's Username
~parentfirstname~ = Parent's First Name (5.0+)
~parentlastname~ = Parent's Last Name (5.0+)
~afname~ = Parent's First Name (DEPRECATED)
~alname~ = Parent's Last Name (DEPRECATED)
~sitetitle~ = The title of the site (system)

Ask For Clarification

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Q. When adding a 3rd party autoresponder is the email confirmation automatically turned off?
Q. Where can we change the notification emails?
Q. Inside the advanced features it says we can turn on commission notifications. Where can I edit/see the notification letter first?
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Q. How do I edit the calendar notification messages?
Q. How do I setup survey email notifications?
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Q. Can new downline notification, new commission notification, and test payments be on? They are all turned off. Will changing to on mess anything up?

Question Keywords: commission, commission notification, notification email

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