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Does making payouts outside the software mean m...

Added: 01/25/2013   |   Updated: 10 Years Ago

Question   Does making payouts outside the software mean making payouts manually?

Answer    Yes, you will have to do them manually.

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Q. How do I add the dynamic code ~orderbutton1~ to my button image on the order page so that it works for payment?

A. To put the button (~orderbutton1~) on the order page you would paste the code ~orderbutton1~ where you want the button to appear.  I'm not sure what you mean by dynamic.  If you mean that you want the payment to go directly to the member then you would need a pro system, with the commission tracking plugin, with direct payment turned on, and then you would link to the join page and payment to the member is made AFTER they create an account (a key difference as direct payment works opposite from a normal system).

Ask For Clarification

Q. How do I add a SolidTrust Pay button with direct payment turned on?

A. Direct Payment - Add SolidTrust Pay button:

1- login to your solidtrust pay account
2- Go to my account -> view profile page

3- copy your username

3- Go to Merchant Zone -> Create Subscriptions

4- Click MEMBERS - view the items you are subscribed to
5- Copy your subscriotion Id

6- Paste both username and ID to your payment processors page

Ask For Clarification

Q. Is there anyway to tie together sending a payment and payment being marked as paid?

A. Export Commission Report

, in the Share page "referral program" click export to Excel icon

Using this feature you can export a csv file to use for mass payment in PayPal or Payza, and it marks everyone in the report as paid when generating the report.

Ask For Clarification

Q. Can we use authorize.net to accept payments?

A. Yes, you can. In order to use Authorize.net it will require an SSL certificate which you must buy
You can purchase this certificate from us...

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Ask For Clarification

Q. Where in my admin does the software process the commissions and automatically pay them?

A. There is a report on the "Referral Program" page at the bottom of the page where you can see who has earned what and what payouts you need to make.
You need to manually do payouts.  For PayPal and Payza there is an export to CSV option which allows you to make all of the payouts at once.

Ask For Clarification

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Q. How do I manually mark a member as paid (when paying by cash/check, or giving a free month)?

Q. In a trial period is the commission applied?
Q. Can external billing work with commission tracking plugin?
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Q. With direct payment if we do a monthly PayPal subscription and the customer cancels will the software automatically suspend?
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Q. How do I setup PayPal payment Data Transfer (PDT)?
Q. How does commission work?
Q. Is the paypal commission payout automatic?
Q. Does your software do commission/compensation tracking?
a. Does your software do auto payment distribution to Members in the Member Area?

Q. The Payza payment buttons when clicked says the merchant is not able to accept payments now. How do I fix this?
Q. If I offer a 14 day trial will it ask for payment info on day 1 or after 14 days?
Q. How do I fix it when a member upgrades and it creates new PROCESSING record instead of associating the payment with the existing member?
Q. Inside the advanced features it says we can turn on commission notifications. Where can I edit/see the notification letter first?

Question Keywords: commission, payment, manually mark

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