Web Marketing Tool
Support FAQ
Referred By: Web Marketing Tool


Q. What does .PROCESSING mean when viewing members?

A. The processing records are Members that paid, but never filled out the form to create their account.
The process is, they pay first, and then afterwards go to the join page to create their account.
When they pay, the processing record is created, and then when they fill out the form, it is populated with their information.
If they pay, but never fill out the form, then they will show up as processing until they create their account.
With these records, you should send them to the join page to finish creating their account.

Don't try to edit the processing records yourself by putting in their information
(the processing account is missing several things and needs to go through the join process),
instead, fill out the form on the join page using the same email that shows for processing.

Ask For Clarification

Q. How do I have it redirect directly to the create account page from PayPal without it requiring them to click a button to proceed?

A. With PayPal, after a person pays, they are required to click a button (that is not noticable to many people) to continue back to your site to finish the join process.  This can cause many people to get stuck in the PROCESSING mode.  With PayPal, you can have it to automatically redirect to your website after payment so the person is not required to click on a button to proceed.  To do this, you must turn this on within your PayPal account.

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Q. Should I get a security certification for my site?

A. If you will be accepting payments with First Data or Authorize.net, then yes we advise getting an SSL certificate, and you very likely could be required to get one anyways.

If not using either of those payment processors for this software, then it is not required but still can be beneficial.  There are other benefits of having SSL such as a slight SEO boost with Google and a more secure members area.  Between the certificate and installation fees it costs over $50-100/yr to have SSL.

Ask For Clarification

Q. When creating account (membership not free) is it suspended immediately after creating or after 24h?

A. A member is suspended when their payment is canceled.  Our software is notified by an IPN when a subscription is canceled and the member is suspended immediately.  There is a setting that can be turned on to have them suspended when their next payment would have been due, but by default this is turned off, and this should be used carefully because it will suspend anyone that doesn't have a payment record.

Ask For Clarification

Q. How do I set the site so only paying members can use it?

A. When logged into the WMT Client admin go to "Advanced Features" (a blue icon located on the page of your site).

Then, change "Software Is Free" by clicking on the red switch so it becomes a green switch.

Save changes.

Ask For Clarification

Q. If someone cancels their monthly subscription what happens to their account?
Q. If a member's subscription payment doesn't go through does it automatically suspend them?
Q. How do I add a specific member to get paid (exa: an instructor) when an external billing product is purchased?
Q. I gave someone a free account BUT every month it is suspended. What should I do?
Q. Is there away I can make a free membership so people can use the system free but they can't get paid when someone they refer pays for the system ?
Q. Why is it that when an existing member upgrades their account it creates a new PROCESSING record for them?
Q. What can cause a member to be suspended?
Q. How do I fix it when a member upgrades and it creates new PROCESSING record instead of associating the payment with the existing member?
Q. Do I need to purchase anything extra in order to be able to charge people for my software?
Q. How do I setup a test account without someone having to pay?
Q. How do i set up a free membership with out affecting the paid memberships?
Q. Can anyone purchase an external billing product or does the person have to be a member?

Q. Can the notification url in external billing apply to different WMT sites?
Q. How do I manually mark a member as paid (when paying by cash/check, or giving a free month)?

Q. How do I add a promo code to an external billing product?
Q. How do I make an add to shopping cart link?
Q. Does your software do recurring monthly billing automatically?
Q. What is the notify URL when editing an external billing product?
Q. When I create a new membership where does the option to buy it show up?
Q. The Payza payment buttons when clicked says the merchant is not able to accept payments now. How do I fix this?
Q. Can we charge an admin fee before they fill out the join page?
Q. During a trial offer, can they qualify for commission?
Q. When we create a new product what will the members area for that product look like? Will it be the same as the current members area?
Q. A member paid through Payza then when she went to set up her account. She had an error saying that she did not use the same email address that she pay with. What should I do?
Q. Can we charge an admin fee?
Q. Can we offer a free trial?
Q. With the External Billing Tool can you pay out different commissions for different products?
Q. How do I add the dynamic code ~orderbutton1~ to my button image on the order page so that it works for payment?
Q. Can external billing work with commission tracking plugin?
Q. We have a $100 membership option now. We want to add a $25 membership option. Will this new option have it's own payment page?
Q. How do I add an order button to a page?
Q. How do you setup a purchase SMS credits button with the SMS Marketing tool combined with the External Billing tool?

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